Wednesday 30 April 2014

INTJ - The Strategist

Continuing our analysis, we reach INTJ - The Strategist. This type is of some personal importance to me, as it happens to be my "secondary" type. When regarding MBTI, it is important to remember that the typologies are not set in stone with rigid borders. Instead, they intend to capture preferences of behaviour. Thus, it is possible, if not likely, that individuals will find themselves fitting into more than one type.

So how do we define the Strategist?

Often quick thinkers, INTJs are characterised by their analytic skills, as well as a great capacity for imagination and ingenuity when it comes to planning. Strategists are highly skilled people, nearly always considered to be proficient in a multitude of things. They often have open minds, not minding being proven wrong, though they also tend towards perfectionism. More often than not, INTJs are honest, sometimes brutally so, giving them a tendency towards insensitivity and bluntness. Needless to say, Strategists are excellent planners and actors, able to identify their goals and work towards them with a tireless determination. Socially, they often isolate themselves, typically needing a lot of time alone, though they are just as capable of forming close friendships as any other type. When it comes to romantic links, however, INTJs are often among the more clueless types, possibly due to their tendency towards abstract thinking over emotional understanding, leading them to over analysing what is before them. Typically, organisational structures are uncomfortable for INTJs, who feel restricted within them. Though introverted, INTJs often have great self-confidence, at least within their analytic abilities, though this can quickly become arrogance.

Now, here are the characters:

The literal personification of death, I have to say that Death is one of my personal favourites within the supernatural universe, and I know that I am not alone in my love of his character. Self-confidence and verbosity are qualities Death possesses in abundance and, whilst these qualities certainly make him an arrogant individual, one cannot deny that he is ultimately justified in the confidence he has in his analytic abilities. He certainly looks down on basically everyone, viewing humanity as little more than "protozoa", indicative of his honest and wholly insensitive, INTJ nature. Needless to say, he certainly seems to know his own goals, though we are not permitted to know what they are (assuming we could even understand them) and he takes his duties as Death seriously, betraying more than a hint of perfectionism. As far as independence goes, he has no equal, not even God. Finally, Death appears to care little for the structures and hierarchies which exist around him and becomes outright hostile at the prospect of being commanded (both when Satan and the Winchesters bind him).

Lord Baelish is one of the most insidious characters in A Song of Ice and Fire / A Game of Thrones and, personally, I despise him completely. I do, however, have respect for him. He has identified his goals and works towards them with a huge degree of dedication, and he does so in such a way that few are able to even identify him as the agent in most of the business he conducts. Baelish cares only for himself, typical INTJ independence, to an extreme, and is far more antisocial than most in the psychopathic manner in which he betrays those who he purports to have befriended. When it comes to love, it is said that he loved Catelyn Tully and that he duelled Eddard's brother for her hand and lost. Knowing that his opponent was a warrior and that he was not, and knowing that he would never be a suitable match yet fighting anyway is a clear sign of devotion to his goal, as well as a signal that he is not exactly the most proficient when it comes to love. That said, his analytic skills are excellent and his plans are often perfected through time and effort and he is confident to the point of arrogance. He is not, however, insensitive, though this is because he has chosen to manipulate the situation to his benefit, only being blunt on the rare occasion that it suits him to do so. The same goes for his relation to power structures. He hates bending the knee, though he does so willingly to further his own goals.

As an advanced AI, EDI is not necessarily capable of all the capacities of other characters, though she is certainly a personality in her own right. Whether it is due to her being an AI or not, she lacks the concept of self-confidence and therefore does not display the arrogance typical to the INTJ personality type, though she does not exhibit any kind of self-doubt, rather a reasoned and well-adjusted understanding of her abilities. She is exceptionally honest to the point of insensitive bluntness, for she is not quite able to ascertain the full nature of social interaction. Likewise, her relationship with Joker is a difficult one, for it is evident that she lacks complete understanding of romantic relationships, which are more complex than friendships. That being said, she forms strong friendships, which she herself greatly values, with the Normandy crew. A highly skilled individual, EDI is certainly a jack-of-all-trades, as befits her role as a Strategist. When devotes herself optimally to her goals and seeks to complete them to an exceptionally high standard. Furthermore, she does not mind debating her ideas or being informed that she is incorrect, a feature heightened by her lack of arrogance.

Overconfident in his abilities and looking down on those who he considers to be beneath him, Rumpelstiltskin is a highly arrogant character, though his self-confidence is, to a degree, a performance which he uses to distract from the fundamentally damaged self-image from which he suffers. He has very clear goals and displays a willingness to see them fulfilled, even willing to sacrifice his power, something that he holds very dear and which essentially defines him, to see them fulfilled, eventually. He is a loner, with all of his relationships highly damaged, especially that between him and his son, Baelfire. Romantically, while he and Belle are definitely in love, he is unable to really deal with the requirements of the relationship, many of which seem to be beyond his comprehension, thus making it a difficult union from the beginning. Rumpelstiltskin hates anything that attempts to limit him, unless he has willingly submitted to it to further one of his plans. He lacks an open mind in many situations, though is capable of adapting should the situation require it. However, in spite of his flaws, he remains a brilliant, Machiavellian manipulator. 

The Archivist
Little is known about this character, though he displays several INTJ qualities. His purpose and goal are clear: to establish Sonmi's point of view for the corporcratic historians of the future, and he sets about this with no small degree of devotion and desire to see it done properly. He is guilty of overanalysing almost everything she says, with this being one of the key things which ensures that he attains the complete story and which contributes to the interview delving so deeply into Sonmi's soul. Though he is an agent of Unanimity, he displays an open mind, which is made more and more open as their interview continues. He does, however, lack the kind of overt self-confidence INTJs are known for.

Fiercely independent and despising anything which tries to command her, even her own mother, Morrigan displays the required self-certainty, including the tendency towards arrogance, of the Strategist. She is a decisive individual who knows what she is doing and has little time for those whose wit and proficiency in abstract thought do not live up to her own. When she encounters those she considers to be lesser, she has no trouble in informing them of it directly, leading to a grand amount of insensitivity. She is not, however, a jack-of-all-trades, though she is highly skilled with magic, especially with the Shapechanging arts. Morrigan is honest about certain things, though when it comes to herself she hides much until she feels ready to discuss it and when it comes to romance, she shows both eagerness and proficiency, though still portrays a sense of alienation from the emotional part of such relationships. 

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