Sunday 3 August 2014

The Beastiary: Entry IV, Diplomats

Welcome to the final entry of my second, and vastly shorter, MBTI series. I admit, I have enjoyed this mini-project and it has definitely sparked some thinking when it comes to employing an MBTI typology for whole groups of people rather than individuals. True enough, stereotyping and generalising is to be often avoided due to its tendency to be false. Yet, there is some truth to almost every stereotype and I think that certain warrants some analysis.

Today, I will be concluding the series by discussing the Diplomat types: ENFJ, ENFP, INFJ and INFP. These types are united by Intuition and Feeling, which imbues them with the capability for deep empathy and compassion, allowing them to relate easily to others. This natural affinity for understanding earns them their title, for the Diplomat types will often find themselves in the role of peacemaker, existing to harmonise various elements and enable them to work in unison. This depth of feeling is excellent for ensuring that others feel comfortable, though it tends to lock the Diplomats in a "warm" setting, meaning that they can struggle when "cold", logical thinking must be applied. 

Let's take a look at which creatures these types fit...

(sometimes spelled mamihlapinatapei) derived from the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego, listed in The Guinness Book of World Records as the “most succinct word”, and is considered one of the hardest words to translate. It refers to “a look shared by two people, each wishing that the other will offer something that they both desire but are unwilling to suggest or offer themselves.” A slightly different interpretation of the meaning also exists: “It is that look across the table when two people are sharing an unspoken but private moment. When each knows the other understands and is in agreement with what is being expressed. An expressive and meaningful silence.”
[Séverine Pineaux]
Image posted by Victorious Vocabulary

ENFJ (The Giver) - Dryads

Yet another being from Greek mythology (so much to choose from, how am I to resist?), the Dryads are tree spirits (specifically associated with Oak Trees) which exist as expressions of nature. They are often described as minor deities and they seek to promote harmony and cultivate their environment to ensure that all living things can co-exist. They do more than simply inspire, they protect and the wrath of a Dryad is as fearsome as the rage of the natural world seeking to defend itself. 

Charisma and altruism are defining qualities of the Giver, whose central goal is to provide the emotional support (and occasionally the material means) required to allow other people to flourish and grow comfortably. Dryads are, traditionally, very beautiful humanoids in appearance, who possess exceptional charm and charisma, whilst also serving to empower and tend to their own environments. Plants themselves, Dryads have an affinity with all growing things and use their powers to encourage the prosperity of nature. This description compares neatly with the way in which the Giver takes the hand of all those around them and does what they can to aid in their flourishing, a practice which requires a great amount of tolerance, the ability to persist and endure no matter what the weather might be. Much like the trees they resemble, Dryads take root and stand their ground. Likewise, ENFJs are amongst the most reliable of folk, depended upon by their friends (both close and distant).

nature by ~dihaze
Image posted by Mere Recorder

ENFP (The Champion) - Fae

The Fae incorporate a wide variety of different beings, though the most central of which are Faeries, youthful beings of plenty and excess, known for their playful of not outright tricksy nature. Certainly, one cannot doubt their power, for they can do many things, though their powers often come with a price and nearly always teach their recipient and life lesson.

Champions are popular and friendly, excellent hosts who do their utmost to ensure that their guests are entertained and looked after, much like the Fae of legend, who are known for their fantastic gatherings and excellent conversational skills. They know how to unwind and images of Faeries relaxing quietly in the serenity of the forests and woodlands are numerous, for these beings are known for their luxury and their readiness to fully embrace the lighter side of life, which includes an element of sloth. ENFPs are curious creatures, as are many portrayals of the Fey, which present them as constantly interfering in the human world out of an interested in our lives and the ways in which we live.

Both the Fae and ENFPs are overly emotional individuals, who often wear their hearts on their sleeves and are capable of great depth of feeling. Unlike the introverted feelers, ENFPs very much express how they feel, meaning that their emotions have a profound impact on the world around them. Likewise, the Fae are known for their mood-swings, for how quickly their hearts can change, leading many to call them fickle. Indeed, this could be equally suggested of the ENFP, who often find focus difficult. 

similar posts here
Image posted by Girl In Troubles

INFJ (The Counselor) - Angels

Angels are messengers of the Gods, bringing their gospel and their word to all corners of the world. Fundamentally, they perceive a truth which many cannot and their entire beings are dedicated to delivering this truth ubiquitously, which they see as the highest good. Though they are close to the Gods they serve, they are still very much reliant upon their faith, which can waiver and be lost much like that of any human being. However, so close to their deities at all times, Angels are constantly faced with the difficult questions, which they must seek to overcome. They are more than passive messengers, however, for they seek to heal those who suffer and alleviate their pain, as well as protect purity and goodness. Angels are divine warriors as well as benefactors and are not to be underestimated should the trumpets of war be sounded.

INFJs set extremely high standards for themselves and for others, a trait shared with many depictions of Angels who demand god-like perfection from themselves and all those they meet. This desire for perfection further manifests in the need to feel as if they are constantly improving and becoming ever-better; INFJs are not a type which likes to sit still. This leads to their disapproving of those who are more lax (which can be almost any other type) and can create hostility. 

Furthermore, INFJs are determined to make a difference to the world around them and whilst this often makes them exceptionally beneficial, they can become warped and twisted, resulting in their promoting a terrible order of things. Just as Hitler was an INFJ, so was Lucifer and Angel.

Image posted by Of Fire and Waves

INFP (The Idealist) - Muses

And, rather fittingly, we end with another set of figures from Greek Mythology. According to legend, the Muses are a group of female deities (though popular culture has begun to present some male incarnations, though their feminine image seems to persist) who personify the arts. They relate to the classical conception of the genius as being a supernatural entity which exists outside of the individual and endows them with talent and skill, rather than the modern conception, which portrays genius as being something which an individual is, rather than something outside of them which they can, temporarily, possess. Muses exist to inspire and rally the creative parts of the soul.

Some legends say that there are nine Muses, each of which governs over a different art (for example Tragedy, Hymns, Comedy etc.) and the picture above likely represents Urania, the Muses of Astronomy, who is often symbolised by a globe and compass. 

Fundamentally, Muses and INFPs are linked due to their natural affinity for creativity, no matter what form this may present itself in. Idealists, as their name suggests, are fascinated by ideals and concepts and, possessing great emotional character seek to play with such things, for which the artistic mediums are well suited. Idealists possess great enthusiasm for their work and anything about which they are passionate. Indeed, this type, much like the Muses are veritable wellsprings of passion and they often seek to inspire others, which is, of course, the fundamental role of a Muse.

Thus I bring to a close my second MBTI series and hope that it was at least somewhat interesting to read. I have already begun on the next entry, which will be on identity again (though not MBTI exclusively, this time) and which will be marking an important milestone as it will be this blog's 100th entry!

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